"There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing."
During warmer weather and in addition to the above:
Even in the summer it can still rain. Always pack waterproofs. In April it is possible to be burnt from the sun and be snowed on, all on the same day.
Parent/ carer & child sessions- You may also want to bring a buggy or sling to Forty Hall Farm as it's a bit of a walk from the carpark to the wood for little legs. The walk is solid under foot from the car park to the farm gate but it becomes uneven after the farm gate. While the weather is fairly dry, the farm tracks are relatively easy to push a buggy.
Forest school happens come rain or shine! Sessions will only be cancelled in high winds, or electrical storms or other extremes deemed unsafe, such as extreme icy travelling conditions. I will endevour to try and let you know the night before via our Facebook page and email but sometimes the decision might need to be made in the morning, on the day. In this case, I will call or text you as well. Any missed sessions will either be rearranged, credited to the next term or refunded. We have both temporary and semi permanent shelters on site.
"Forest School for all" is the motto coined by Sara Knight. Children, adults and babies can all benefit from being in the great outdoors. Most children start to become involved in Forest School activies when they are walking confidently. 18 months is normally a good time to start but every child is different. Some may be ready before this and others after.
On most of our sites we have access to flushing toilets. Where we don't have access to a toilet, we bring our own! There is more information for each site on the booking link. You can of course use nature's toilet outside of the Forest School boundary rope, but only for watering the plants.
Click on this link to view all current sessions: Booking link
I am an independent freelance Forest School Practicioner and can provide sessions for groups at some of my locations or on a site of your choice such as your own nursery or school grounds. Forest School does not have to take place exclusively in a woodland. It could be the corner of your school field or any other outdoor area. Please get in contact using the contact form on the contact page.